
A blog on what's new, notable, and next in turbomachinery

Ways to Learn Turbomachinery: Textbooks, Professional Development Courses, Custom Courses

By Mark R. Anderson, CTO of Concepts NREC
Mar 5, 2021

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Chances are your formal university education didn’t fully prepare you for the real world application of turbomachinery design. The foundation is usually there (fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, structural mechanics, etc.) but applying it effectively on the job usually requires some extra help. On-the-job training is one method, but there are other resources available to help you along. At Concepts NREC we specialize in providing advanced education and technology to the turbomachinery industry. There are several options available for your professional improvement.

Perhaps the most accessible resource is our selection of textbooks.


These textbooks are written by Concepts NREC staff who have decades of experience in turbomachinery design in an industrial setting. They provide insight and practical advice that can be applied directly in the actual design process. These are down-to-earth and practical texts without the rarified academic bent so common in most textbooks.  

Courses are another resource to further your professional development. Like the textbooks, our courses are taught by lead engineers with many years of experience in diverse applications design. They are offered on a variety of topics and are offered online and at varied locations each year. Some subjects, like our radial compressor and pump courses, are usually offered every year while other topics are on a rotational basis. Check out our website for a complete and up-to-date listing of this year’s courses offered online:


Courses targeted to a narrower audience are also available and come in two forms, private and custom. Private courses are from any of the standard course offerings, but taught at your location typically, and to your private audience. These are available for a fixed price. Custom courses are specifically developed for your team’s individual requirements, and quotes for these courses are available through our sales office.


All courses qualify for professional development hours at the major engineering societies.

Proper professional development is essential to advance your career and to avoid stagnation in your personal and intellectual growth. Contact Concepts NREC to see how we can help. #tubomachinery #professionaldevelopment #onlinetraining

Tags: Training

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