
Concepts NREC designs, manufactures and tests turbochargers and turbocharger components for diesel and gasoline engines as well as compressor and turbine stages for gas turbine engines. We can also provide auxiliary system components for engines including fuel, oil and water pumps.



Concepts NREC designs, manufactures and tests turbochargers and turbocharger components for diesel and gasoline engines as well as compressor and turbine stages for gas turbine engines. We can also provide auxiliary system components for engines including fuel, oil and water pumps.

Waste Heat Recovery

Concepts NREC has extensive experience in the field of waste heat recovery, including providing ORC turbines for exhaust heat recovery from diesel and gas turbine engines.

Air, Land, Water

We cover the full range of transportation industries, including passenger cars, trucks, F1 racing, off-road vehicles, marine craft of all sizes, and aircraft piston, turbojet and turbofan engines.





Technical Papers

Development of A Meanline Model for Preliminary Design Of Recirculating Casing Treatment In Turbocharger Compressors
Presented At: ASME Turbo Expo 2018

A Novel Non-Radial Turbocharger Turbine Created Using Numerical Optimisation
Presented At: National Laboratory of Engine Turbocharging Technology of China 2016

Designing Turbochargers with an Integrated Design System
Presented At: ASME Turbo Expo 2013

Turbocharging the Internal Combustion Engine - (Presentation Slides) 
Presented At: ASME Turbo Expo 2013

Aero Design Challenges in Wide-Operability Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressors
Presented At: SAE World Congress 2012

Meanline Modeling of Ported Shroud Turbocharger Compressor
Presented At: ASME Turbo Expo 2012

Experimental and Computational Analysis of Impact of Self Recirculation Casing Treatment on Turbocharger Compressor
Presented At: SAE World Congress 2010

Modeling and Manufacturing of Turbocharger Compressors 
Presented At: SAE World Congress 2010

Radial and Mixed Flow Turbine Options for High Boost Turbochargers
Presented At: 7th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging


Case Studies


Concepts NREC designs, manufactures and tests turbochargers and turbocharger components for diesel and gasoline engines as well as compressor and turbine stages for gas turbine engines. We can also provide auxiliary system components for engines including fuel, oil and water pumps.

Waste Heat Recovery

Concepts NREC has extensive experience in the field of waste heat recovery, including providing ORC turbines for exhaust heat recovery from diesel and gas turbine engines.

Air, Land, Water

We cover the full range of transportation industries, including passenger cars, trucks, F1 racing, off-road vehicles, marine craft of all sizes, and aircraft piston, turbojet and turbofan engines.

Case Studies



Labyrinth seal_Axial Example
Axial Compressor Design Solution    


Labyrinth seal_Axial Example
Engineering Services   


Labyrinth seal_Axial Example
Manufacturing Services  


Labyrinth seal_Axial Example
Air Dynamometer


Concepts NREC Develops, Manufactures, and Sells its Own Products

In addition to contract manufacturing complete turbomachinery products for customers, Concepts NREC manufactures and sells specialized turbomachinery products that serve well-defined niche applications.

These products are jointly developed with customers who first establish a market need for a new or improved technology. Concepts NREC then supplies the development expertise to turn their specification into a successful product. However, rather than just providing services for a fee, development costs are shared, enabling Concepts NREC to establish additional applications and markets for the product and generate noncompetitive sales. The results allow development costs to be amortized over larger production quantities, and both companies further benefit by producing a better product at a lower cost.



Proven Expertise

The full power and benefit of our turbomachinery design & manufacturing software suite is realized when the various modules are used together. The suite seamlessly transfers information between modules with the click of a button, saving time and eliminating the possibility of transfer errors. It also facilitates easy transfer at any step of the process to all major CAD formats and other third-party CFD and FEA packages.
Final designs can then be easily imported into our industry-leading CAM software, MAX-PAC, to create efficient 5-axis machining solutions.
Our integrated design and manufacturing software tools provide designers with a cost-effective, concurrent development approach that balances issues of performance, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and manufacturability.

Agile Products Support (APS)

APS is Concepts NREC’s software maintenance and support program that elevates us from just a software provider to a valued partner. 

An APS subscription is included with all annual licenses and is a highly-recommended option for perpetual software licenses. Every software customer is supported for one month following purchase for any installation questions that may arise. Learn more on the Agile Products Support Membership Benefits Datasheet

  • Free software updates
  • One business day response times
  • Expert technical assistance
  • Major discounts on software workshops
  • Discounted professional development course
  • Annual balloting system for development planning
  • Annual Meetings
 Turbomachinery Innovation Forum

Heat to Power

A focused look at two types of systems, sCO2 and ORC. Advantages and suitable applications and working conditions for each type of system were discussed and reviewed.

TIF2020 agenda_heattopowersc02orc-2

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Concepts NREC
A Little Something Different – Let’s Talk About Legal and Compliance, Part 2
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Does Santa Violate Export Control Laws Every December? Before we can answer that highly seasonal question, we should probably start with “What are export control laws anyway?”. Even before that, I should mention that this publication is not legal advice, and it should not be relied upon as such. If you find that this discussion raises some questions for you, I encourage you to seek legal counsel. So, what are export control laws? Many countries, including the United States, have laws that dictate the process for exporting certain products, materials, software, and technology to foreign end users. Most countries have also special subsets of these laws regarding the export of weapons, military, and space launch items.
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Concepts NREC
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Concepts NREC
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