
A blog on what's new, notable, and next in turbomachinery

Posts about Turboshaft Engines

Top Summer Vacations for Turbomachinery Engineers

Top Summer Vacations for Turbomachinery Engineers

By Barbara Shea
Jun 14, 2019

Summer is almost here, at least in my hemisphere, so here are some of the best places around the world people in the turbomachinery industry might find interesting! Know of another? Share your...

Getting Carried Away (Literally) with a Hobby - How I Ended up with a Helicopter

Getting Carried Away (Literally) with a Hobby - How I Ended up with a Helicopter

By Adam Weaver
Nov 22, 2017

How did I get from not knowing (or caring) anything about home-built aircraft to owning a gas turbine powered helicopter? As you might imagine, it’s complicated.


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