
A blog on what's new, notable, and next in turbomachinery

Posts about CAM Software

Evaluating Manufacturability for Shrouded Impellers

Evaluating Manufacturability for Shrouded Impellers

By Ryan Lussier, CAM Software Product Manager
Aug 14, 2024

Design engineers are always looking for ways to push performance and efficiency. This can produce geometry which is challenging to machine and one of the first questions the manufacturing team needs...

A Brief Overview of Adaptive Machining

A Brief Overview of Adaptive Machining

By Ryan Lussier, CAM Software Product Manager
Feb 5, 2024

As engineers planning and designing with CAD/CAM tools,we are developing processes in a theoretical world. It isn’t until you put on your boots, get in front of the machine, and start lettingchips fly

Solving the Tool Orientation Problem for Machining Turbopumps

Solving the Tool Orientation Problem for Machining Turbopumps

By Ryan Lussier, CAM Software Product Manager
Jun 22, 2022

Turbopumps pose many challenges when trying to manufacture high quality CNC toolpaths. They are often made of difficult to machine materials such as Inconel, have sharp leading edges, demanding...

Machining a Titanium Mixed-Flow Shrouded Impeller

Machining a Titanium Mixed-Flow Shrouded Impeller

By Ryan Lussier, CAM Software Product Manager
Jun 9, 2022

Mixed flow impellers can be challenging, often requiring multiple set-ups due to the ~45° exit angle. Check out how we utilized multiple MAX-PAC cutting strategies in this collaboration with GROB and...

Meet Claudio Raia

Meet Claudio Raia

By Kate Guerrina, Marketing Manager
Sep 17, 2021

Dave Schowalter, Director of Global Software Sales, introduces you to Claudio Raia, our newest team member and the Managing Director of Concepts NREC Europe. Welcome Claudio!

What Are the 5 Axes in 5 Axis Machining?

What Are the 5 Axes in 5 Axis Machining?

By Christos Maninos, CAM Application Engineer & Peter Klein, Director, CAM Software
Aug 13, 2021

What is 5 axis machining? In short, it is manufacturing a component on a CNC milling machine that can travel in 5 different directions. These machines allow the cutting tool to reach around parts...

Accelerating a Career in Turbomachinery CAM and Manufacturing Solutions During a Pandemic

Accelerating a Career in Turbomachinery CAM and Manufacturing Solutions During a Pandemic

By Kate Guerrina, Marketing Manager
Dec 4, 2020

The global health crisis has presented business and industry with uncertainties we could not have anticipated. Here at Concepts NREC, we've worked hard to adapt for the health and safety of our...

Designing Ruled Surfaces for Flank Milling

Designing Ruled Surfaces for Flank Milling

By Peter Klein
Mar 15, 2019

As discussed in my previous blog post, Flank Milling, How Hard Can it Be?, turbomachinery blades are commonly designed as ruled surfaces, with the goal of making manufacturing easier and faster with...

Flank Milling - How Hard Can It Be?

Flank Milling - How Hard Can It Be?

By Peter Klein
Jan 4, 2019

When designing compressors, engineers often use ruled-surface blades with the goal of making a shape that’s easily manufactured on a 5-axis machine. Theses blades can be quickly machined in one pass...

Reverse Engineering - Going from Part to Art

Reverse Engineering - Going from Part to Art

By Sharon Wight
Dec 7, 2018

Have you ever needed to know the exact geometry of a compressor that has been running for years in your process plant? Perhaps you need to analyze how it would perform if the process fluid had to be...

20 Great Gifts for Engineers from $10 to $2 Million

20 Great Gifts for Engineers from $10 to $2 Million

By Barbara Shea
Nov 23, 2018

Gifts for Engineers can usually be segmented into a few categories: Things you have to put together, science fiction, gaming, new technology, and witty phrases printed on stuff. A Google search of...

Are You a Smooth Operator? Different Approaches to Collision Avoidance in CAM Software

Are You a Smooth Operator? Different Approaches to Collision Avoidance in CAM Software

By Peter Klein
Aug 9, 2018

Computer-Aided Manufacturing software for turbomachinery generally uses 5-axis milling with some form of collision checking. It is a prerequisite given the expense of the machines, tools and parts...

How Our Shop Slashed Their Roughing Time in Half

How Our Shop Slashed Their Roughing Time in Half

By Christos Maninos
Feb 22, 2018

The guiding principle behind Concepts NREC’s Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software, MAX-PAC, is to simplify the task of creating efficient milling toolpaths for turbomachinery. Since we are...

Why You Need CAE & CAM Software Specialized for Turbomachinery

Why You Need CAE & CAM Software Specialized for Turbomachinery

By Dr. Peter Weitzman
Feb 2, 2018

Concepts NREC just had its most successful year ever in software sales. Why? It really comes down to two things, the first is our team, we have some incredibly talented people developing our software...

Robot Engineers?

Robot Engineers?

By Barbara Shea
Dec 14, 2017

Wouldn’t it be ironic if the profession that is creating all the robots was eventually replaced by them? It could happen. Engineering is all about applying laws, measurements, facts, and analysis to...

Where Does CAD fit in the CAE Process for Turbomachinery?

Where Does CAD fit in the CAE Process for Turbomachinery?

By Dr. Peter Weitzman
Sep 7, 2017

A common struggle for mechanical engineers using Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) tools is the time-consuming process of moving geometry between the CAE system and Computer Aided Design (CAD)...

Shrouded or Open Impellers for Compressor Chillers - That is the Question

Shrouded or Open Impellers for Compressor Chillers - That is the Question

By Steve Kohr
Aug 2, 2017

One of the most important design choices facing a chiller compressor designer is whether to utilize open or shrouded impellers. The impacts of this verdict are wide ranging, which arguably makes this...

How Manufacturing Methods Impact Performance 3 Examples

How Manufacturing Methods Impact Performance 3 Examples

By Mark R. Anderson
Mar 27, 2017

Some of my other blogs have touched on how important it is to consider manufacturing methods during the design phase. This one will show exactly how manufacturing methods impact performance. We will...

Design Elements that Affect Machining Time in Turbomachinery

Design Elements that Affect Machining Time in Turbomachinery

By Mark R. Anderson
Mar 9, 2017

The primary options for laying out an impeller (i.e. flank milled versus point milled, open versus covered impellers, integral versus welded shrouds) determine the basic manufacturing process (see ...

Manufacturing Methods Used for Turbomachinery

Manufacturing Methods Used for Turbomachinery

By Mark R. Anderson
Feb 22, 2017

There are two dominant manufacturing methods used to produce turbomachinery parts – Casting and 5-axis machining. This blog will explore some of the applications and restrictions of these two methods.


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