
A blog on what's new, notable, and next in turbomachinery

Posts about CFD

CFD-based Throughflow Analysis: Bridging the Gap Between 1D and 3D Analyses

CFD-based Throughflow Analysis: Bridging the Gap Between 1D and 3D Analyses

By Steve Kohr, Director of Software Product Management & UX
Jun 17, 2024

Many of us have come to appreciate the expedience that 1D (meanline) analysis provides when scoping out a new design or revisiting a legacy design for use in a new application. However, we also know...

The Challenges & Cures of CFD Solution Failures

The Challenges & Cures of CFD Solution Failures

By Mark R. Anderson
Aug 3, 2018

Computational fluid dynamic analysis (CFD) has become a standard part of the turbomachinery design process. Within Concepts NREC’s Agile Engineering Design System, FINE/Turbo, from our Partner NUMECA...

Great Designs Deserve to Shine

Great Designs Deserve to Shine

By George C. Zitka, P.E.
May 4, 2018

If you are a turbomachinery engineer, you know you can spend days, weeks, or even months analyzing various design iterations, looking for the optimal choice for the application. When you go to...

The Best CFD Averaging Methods for Distortion

The Best CFD Averaging Methods for Distortion

By Mark R. Anderson
Aug 9, 2017

Three-dimensional flow fields typically have some degree of distortion in the flow properties and flow profiles across a given cross section. These distortions can be quite significant in regions...

Using FINE™/Turbo for CFD Analysis in AxCent®

Using FINE™/Turbo for CFD Analysis in AxCent®

By Daryl L. Bonhaus
May 12, 2017

In May of 2016, Concepts NREC and NUMECA International announced a strategic partnership to combine their products to provide a comprehensive turbomachinery design and analysis system. In November of...


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